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Think Renter’s Insurance is Only for Your “Stuff”? Think Again!

  Think Renter’s Insurance is Only for Your “Stuff”? Think Again! Clients often think they don’t need renters insurance — “Nothing I have is worth that much,” they’ll say, or “I don’t have a lot of stuff.” That’s how most people think of renter’s coverage: protection for stuff, and nothing more. After all, it’s inexpensive and it doesn’t even cover the structure itself. So how important can it be, especially if you don’t think you have anything valuable to protect? Plenty important, because you have more to protect than you realize. You just have to stop thinking only about “stuff.” Here are three key financial protections a renters policy provides: Loss of use coverage. What would you do if a fire or other issue forced you out of your home? You’d have to find a temporary place to stay, maybe even for months — which might cost you more than your normal rent. Loss of use helps cover that and other additional expenses. Personal liability protection. If someone trips and injures the...

Time to review your Home Owners Insurance

Auto & Home Insurance with Travelers
  • It's getting warmer, time to do check ups around the house and to repair, renovate, and review!
    It's getting warmer and in Arizona that means it's getting Hotter! Start now with your basic home inspections, repairs, and renovations before it gets even HOTTER! Here are some links of what to look for and what to do. Did you know, water leaks from washing machines are one of the top 10 causes of water damage to homes? Make sure to avoid this by following these steps! https://bit.ly/2vOkYeL Is your air-conditioning system ready for the summer heat? Have it inspected sooner rather than later. http://travl.rs/3p3nBza Deciding where to focus your renovation budget? Find out which home improvement projects may have the highest ROI: http://travl.rs/3aNjT7R Once you have completed those repairs, updates, and renovations to your home, it may be time to review your homeowners insurance policy. You may qualify for additional discounts or may need more coverage to meet your home's value. http://bit.ly/36UWBMk 

     Call/text me at 480-269-1436 to review

    Auto & Home Insurance in Arizona with PJS Insurance Services
